Professional Paws Pet Blog

A professional dog trainer’s thoughts on training, animal behavior, pet care and more!

To Spay or Not to Spay?
Dulcey Trimble Dulcey Trimble

To Spay or Not to Spay?

In honor of World Spay Day and National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month (AKA Beat the Heat Month) I decided to write up my thoughts on what has become a controversial topic. This blog is only going to entail my personal opinions based on my experiences in animal welfare and as a dog trainer. I will not be discussing any of the medical benefits or possible risks from surgery. Please don’t comment asking about these things or to inform me of a study that has been done. I am not a veterinarian and am not qualified to give medical advice. Period. I urge all of my clients to bring this topic up with your veterinarian so that you can discuss the medical side of altering your pet. However, I am also decidedly pro spay/neuter. All of our pets are fixed and I do tend to encourage owners to spay and neuter their animals. Let me tell you why.

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