Professional Paws Pet Blog
A professional dog trainer’s thoughts on training, animal behavior, pet care and more!

The Truth About Balanced Training
Dog training is not a regulated field, and because of this, there are several different types of training and different methodologies that trainers may use to induce behavior change. Some of these are more effective and humane than others. Balanced dog training is a style of training that combines the use of positive reinforcement and physical corrections for bad behavior. Advocates for this type of training may make it sound appealing, but don’t believe the hype.

Remembering Senna
As the 4th anniversary of his death draws closer, I find myself reflecting a lot on Senna’s life and legacy. Grief is an interesting creature in and of itself. Sometimes it feels as if he never existed. I find myself wanting to say his name out loud, concerned that if I don’t talk about him, his memory will fade. Other times it seems as if it was only yesterday that we chose to humanely end his suffering, and I remember exactly the way his head fit inside my hand as I stroked his face. Senna was my soul mate. My first true love. My teacher. The reason I am a dog trainer. Here is his story.